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Organic Shelled Walnuts, Sierra Orchards – 1 lb


Organic, shelled, and pasteurized walnuts. These walnuts are ready to eat and come packaged in a resealable paper bag. Store in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

8 in stock


Walnuts are an excellent source of Omega-3 ALA, an essential fat that lowers the risk of heart disease. Walnuts have far more Omega-3 ALA than other nuts, and only 1 serving per day will meet the daily recommended intake. Walnuts are also a good source of polyphenols, protein, fiber, and magnesium.


Sierra Orchards – A certified organic family farm located in Winters, California. This family farm is dedicated to using holistic and regenerative farming practices that preserve natural resources and surrounding ecosystems while creating the highest quality and nutrient-dense foods. Their mission is to increase the biodiversity in both their land and crops to restore resilience and balance in the ecology of their farm. By focusing on the health and balance of the soil, trees, animals, air, and water, they work hard to ensure that the land can continue to provide for their family, friends, and community for generations to come.